Regsiter with Lifepsychol

There are 5 easy steps to create your online profile. After creating your profile, you can start using Lifepsychol straight away.

Your clinical information and any personal information you have inputted about your quality of life is private and cannot be accessed by anyone without your permission. This includes your health care professional and any member of the Innervate team. The Innervate team can access anonymised data only for the purposes of research i.e. you personally cannot be identified. For more information, please read our privacy policy


    Enter your Lifepsychol code:

  • Your code can be found printed on the reverse of your Lifepsychol dial. If you have not been given a code or a Lifepsychol dial, click here to contact us.

    Enter your details.

    Enter your email address.

    Choose your login details.

  • Use these details to log in next time you visit Lifepsychol.